Scripting News: Saturday, April 6, 2024

Facebook, 3 years ago: "I want to use my own editor and have my writing emanate from there, without me having to copy and paste into various forms on different sites. I'm not a copypaste machine. Technically, it's an easy problem to solve, and I don't see how it hurts various tech companies to let users write in their favorite editor. This is severely limiting what we can do with networks, and there seems to be no reason for it. APIs let us build networks out of software. Devs, take a chance on other developers. Let the web expand. Let the web breathe."#
I think you can save time by starting over sometimes, and rebuild the complexity, carefully testing at every step. #
Going back and fixing a poorly tested corner-turn, esp one you did a while ago, is a time-consuming and frustrating process. You need to have a fully consistent model to evolve. When you try to reorganize a complicated bit of code, and you find yourself scratching your head about how this or that works, that's a sign that it doesn't work. #
But it's much more fun to add new features to a broken foundation than it is to either fix the foundation or rip it out and put in a new one. #

Linkblog items for the day.

Tens of Thousands Rally Against Netanyahu.
I imported Molly White's OPML file into FeedLand, here's the resulting feed list. Tomorrow I'll get it to display as a blogroll. Interop is the best.
Update: Molly White's blogroll does have an OPML file. I ❤️ interop.
Electric charging on NYS Thruway. I can't imagine it can handle the traffic to and from the eclipse over the next few days.
This is such a great list. I'd love to have it in OPML so I could plug it into FeedLand.
'Are you better off today than four years ago?' is the wrong question.
We need a song like this for abortion in the US.
Four Takeaways on the Race to Amass Data for A.I.
When a top Republican says Russian propaganda has infected the GOP.
Nice new blogroll from Molly White.
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Scripting News: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024