Scripting News: Thursday, May 9, 2024
StackExchange and OpenAI have made a deal. I used to use StackExchange all the time, now I never do, ChatGPT is much better. There's a lot of anxiety out there, it seems but this is like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted. There was a time when StackExchange was a godsend for programmers. But that time has passed. Here's a demo. I was trying to figure out why some ancient code wasn't working. I never understood how it worked, and now I had to figure out what was going wrong. So I debugged it, carefully, step by step, with ChatGPT. It's as if I was working with another programmer who had read and fully understood every StackExchange message, and was willing to work with me for no pay to get to the bottom of the problem. This is what we call disruption. It's a whole new level of programming. Here's the transcript. #
I'm tired of people using the term "podcast" when I can't find it at the place where I get my podcasts. #
Linkblog items for the day.
Apple apologizes for iPad Pro 'Crush' ad.
An Interview With Jack Dorsey.
How Bushmaster Made the AR-15 into the U.S.' Best-Selling Rifle.
I like the new Apple ad. I laughed out loud through the whole thing. People think too much. It's physical comedy. It's always the funniest.
Rick Carlisle ripped for benching TJ McConnell in loss to Knicks.
A Georgia appeals court on Wednesday delayed Donald Trump's criminal case in that state, agreeing to hear an appeal from the former president that may foreclose a trial taking place this year.