Scripting News: Saturday, July 13, 2024

This blog 20 years ago today.#
The show notes for today's Podcast0 episode. #
Does the marquee element in HTML work in your browser?#
This post on Threads has already gotten over 7K reads. That's a lot for me, on any platform, and I have far fewer followers there, and no blue checkmark. #
Adapted from a tweet.#
Still thinking about your last episode and how you don't know what to tell anyone to do. i think that's great. because no one knows -- in the meantime here are a couple of ideas.#
    let's organize democratic voters. the better organized we are, the better we can get through the attacks from the nyt, cnn, msnbc, et al that are coming until the election. a web site for circles of friends, a buddy system that gets the word out. can use all social networks, email etc. #
    encourage biden to take off the gloves, even more than he is. he should say the biggest problem is the supreme court. we have to fix it. make this a referendum on roe v wade and all the other stuff that's harder to explain.#
    ask joe to have fun. he's good when he's saying god love you and shit like that. hand out ice cream when it's hot. #
    level with people. biden isn't the best speech-maker and 81-year-olds can't run around like they're 50 (he's still figuring that out), but he's a really good president. think about how it was when trump turned things over. the country was in really bad shape. he totally blew covid. that mattered. #
    one more thing -- trump attacked the freaking capitol on his way out. that man has a temper and is a loser. a sore loser #
    biden has friends who help him. make the theme song for the election help from my friends by the beatles. put the young stars of the democrats out on the road and sell them as the future that we are working on. #
    the product isn't just Biden, it's a freaking goverment and social security, and owning your own body, freedom of religion, all that good american stuff. It's the governors of pennsylvania, michigan, arizona, the senators from georgia, it's the whole freaking thing!#
    like it or not the debate did start the campaign. Everyone is listening to Joe Jobs now, so say things! Dont waste the attention. Never waste a good crisis someone said.#
    have you ever seen a campaign speech with slides like a Steve Jobs keynote. Some good ideas there. "One more thing."#
    KO -- keep up the good work. and ad lib more. some of your writers are pretty lame. i can tell when you wrote the episode, but i like the ones where you ad lib even more.#

Linkblog items for the day.

Prosecutor says shooter and 1 attendee are dead at Trump Pennsylvania rally.
Richard Simmons, fitness personality and TV host, dead at 76.
75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time.
Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for President.
Give people something to link to so they can talk about your features and ideas.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, pioneering sex therapist, dies at 96.
I'm not a big fan of comments, and certainly not interested in comments on my podcasts. What a horrible thought. All the abusers living rent free in my head.
An open tweet to Keith Olbermann.
I wanted to see if my browser supports the marquee element from the ancient web. It does.
Trump Immunity Ruling May Give Him Free Pass To Steal An Election.
Copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.
This email was sent on: 7/14/2024, 12:00:01 AM Eastern.
"We don't need no stinkin rock stars."
This blog has been running for: 29 years, 9 months, 6 days, 9 hours, 0 minutes, 1 second.
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Scripting News: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024