Scripting News: Saturday, July 20, 2024

I trust that President Biden will do what's best for the country.#
Pete Buttigieg should be the Democrats' official blogger. Every day a new insight into what makes people do what they do and why the Dems have all the right ideas. He's a perfect spokesperson in that role. A daily Pete. He should do it.#
Like it or not, Twitter is still the social web of record. This is something we need to fix. It's going to take a long time, but it has to start. #
Isn't it surprising, with old age such an important topic, that we aren't learning more about it? I'm there now, myself -- immersed in it, can't escape it. I guess I didn't want to know about it until I had to. It's a real perspective-shift. #
One great use for ChatGPT, simple recipes.#
If you try looking for a recipe on Google they take forever to get to the point, and pop up all kinds of offers when all you wanted was a checklist of ingredients and steps. #
Try doing the same thing on Google to see what I mean.#
Some coffee notes for a Saturday morning.#
    This election is a total mess.#
    Trump is extremely beatable.#
    Biden is extremely beatable too. #
    We've all had a chance to live in an America with Trump as president, and Biden. I know which one was better for all of us. (Evidence: our response to Covid, S&P 500 price.)#
    Biden's health is not good and it of course will get worse in the coming four years.#
    Trump's health isn't good either and it also will get worse. He doesn't care for himself. He's 77. He's near the end of the decade most people die.#
    The Dems can run the show without Biden.#
    The Repubs plan to run the show without Trump, he's just a figurehead, I hope you know that. An actor they put on stage to distract you from the nasty shit they are already doing (evidence, the Supreme Court). When he says Project 2025 isn't his, he's telling the truth. He has no idea what's in it and doesn't care. All he wants is to stand up at rallies and vent, and have his own Rick's Cafe in Casablanca and be Rick. It's the quieter, less showy folk that use him that you should be scared of. #
    Even if Biden wanted to step aside, and he clearly doesn't, the mess that would follow can't be unraveled before the election, so if you push Biden out we lose, pretty sure of that. This is why I think Nate Silver lost his way, he's a sports fan, as am I. What's your next move after taking out the pitcher. You better have a good reliever warmed up in the bullpen, right? We don't even have a freaking bullpen Nate (hope he reads this). #
    But it's fun to dream of the super-Democrat, the candidate who would totally clean Trump's clock, win in a landslide, and when they take office would clear out the junk on the Supreme Court, bring back Roe v Wade, slam the brakes on climate change, and then kick Putin's ass and restore America to greatness for real, and also prepare us to survive the next pandemic. But it's just a dream. It can't happen. Any good candidate will stay out of the mess that will follow a Biden step-aside. No one would want their future tied up in the mess-to-come. #
    Remember, your vote is a chess move not a love letter. #
Rick Blaine owns a nightclub and gambling den in Casablanca.#
A 25-minute ramble with the themes of the Dreaming piece I wrote earlier today. #
Spoiler alert: I reveal the ending of the movie Casablanca. #
Respecting yourself means sticking to problems we can and need to solve, and work together. #
We can't make anything to happen until we start listening to and working with each other. #
There is no perfect super-Democrat. Our candidate is Joe Biden. Any real candidate is going to suck.#
It's like We Make Shitty Software, all candidates suck. But we do a great job. #
The Democratic song this year, and always, should be With a little help from my friends. #
Read George Lakoff, a great linguist who figured out how American politics work. #
Check out Elizabeth Spiers piece about how it's time to get over the West Wing ideal. Martin Sheen never was and never will be president. #
And remember your vote is a chess move, not a love letter. #

Linkblog items for the day.

Pete Buttigieg on why Silicon Valley billionaires are backing Trump: "These are very rich men who have decided to back the Republican party that tends to do good things for very rich men."
Some Black startup founders feel betrayed by Ben Horowitz's support for Trump.
It's fun to dream of the super-Democrat, the candidate who would totally clean Trump's clock, win in a landslide, and when they take office would clear out the junk on the Supreme Court, bring back Roe v Wade, slam the brakes on climate change, and…
This girl ordered a taxi.
Respect yourself podcast. 25 minutes.
Like it or not, Twitter is still the social web of record. This is something we need to fix. It's going to take a long time, but it has to start.
We need a well done shadow site for Project 2025, one that does what the Republican site does. This doesn't have to wait for the Dems to decide on a candidate. It's an emergency project for Newmark and/or Knight to fund.
Old age.
2014: Civilization is made of interop.
Copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.
This email was sent on: 7/21/2024, 12:00:01 AM Eastern.
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Scripting News: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024