Scripting News: Sunday, July 14, 2024

This blog 20 years ago today.#
The shownotes for today's Podcast0 episode. The shownotes pages now have a player. Still have a little more work to do on it. I like this because it's a lightweight project, which is something I need while the world is boiling over. #
BTW, I'm intermittently locked out of my Threads account. They say it has to do with automated stuff they don't explain. I don't have any apps that do anything with Instagram or Threads. I tried changing the password. Anyway, I was just starting to like the network, it has its own feel, and have made some friends there, but I have no energy to fight it, at least not right now. If you don't see me over there, this is why.#
How I found out about Trump's assassination. By accident, I was watching CNN when they switched over to his rally. I listened to the first few minutes, ugly lies, the usual disgusting stuff, so I switched over to season 6 of Line of Duty, which isn't very great. I couldn't focus on the show. I got my iPad and checked out Bluesky and saw a message from someone regretting that he hadn't been killed, and somehow I knew that "he" was Trump, so I switched back to the news, and saw the live events, Trump asking for his shoes, and then doing that disgusting thing with his fist, looking right into the camera. He's 100 percent television actor. Either the whole thing was staged, or he just thinks that way, it didn't cross his mind that a bullet aimed at his brain had barely missed killing him. He's thinking of his business model. Now I must confess my first thought was just like the person on Bluesky. Now Trump who lies about being a victim, really is a victim, and we'll never hear the end of it. And it didn't take long before a random Republican asshole was saying this was Biden's fault for saying Trump would end democracy, which he has said he will, promised to do, and we saw him try to do it on Jan 6. And the CNN reporter went along with it, saying the temperature has to be lowered on both sides. There it was. Both sides. It didn't take any time for the Republican talking points to dominate. This was Biden's fault they all agree. Occam's Razor says this is over. We aren't going to vote in November. The deal is done because the journos, who really control who is elected, have made their choice. I've yet to hear another explanation from them.#
If someone from Russia or Ukraine were to read the previous paragraph, they'd nod their heads and say the US is now Russia. That's how our journalism and politics work. The oligarchs have sold out to the dictator. This is what it's like after that happened. People inside big companies look the other way all the time, and try to compartmentalize. Now their malaise becomes ours. #
BTW, if Biden steps aside don't expect the Repubs won't sue saying it's illegal, so guess what -- not only don't you get Biden, you don't even get a replacement. The election will be like a Russian election, with just one actual candidate on the ballot and a few total losers for appearances. A great card to hold in your pocket. I bet they have the arguments already written.#

Linkblog items for the day.

An open tweet to President Biden.
One of the most striking things about the "should Biden drop out" saga is the extent to which it has been a completely insular affair. #amen
George Lakoff is a must-read esp at times like this.
Donald Trump and the language of violence.
Should the kitten save the leader??
Attempted Trump Assassination Triggers a Flood of MAGA BS.
The shownotes for the podcast I did 20 years ago today.
20 years ago today Dan Bricklin wrote: Software That Lasts 200 Years. We're ten percent of the way there! :-)
"GitHub" Is Starting to Feel Like Legacy Software.
Copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.
This email was sent on: 7/15/2024, 12:00:01 AM Eastern.
"If it doesn't have a feed it isn't a podcast."
This blog has been running for: 29 years, 9 months, 7 days, 9 hours, 0 minutes, 1 second.
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Scripting News: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024