Scripting News: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The most encouraging thing about last night's debate was that the moderators were journalists. When Trump repeated his most egregious lie about murdering babies being legal in certain states, moderator Muir confidently, almost derisively, said that there is no such thing. And when Trump said he didn't admit he lost the election, and then when challenged said in a snotty way he was being sarcastic, Muir plainly that wasn't true either. It was like the Monty Python dead parrot sketch. ABC News was the last place you'd expect real journalism to surface, maybe the NYT et al will follow their lead. #
I wouldn't have traded places with Harris for anything in the world, she did fantastic. The pressure on her was enormous. I don't think Trump said one thing that was true. And Harris made the point that the division is coming from that guy over there, and if we don't want it all we have to do is turn the freaking page. For once the power is with the people. The Repubs in the Senate wouldn't vote to convict, the Supreme Court just gave him immunity, but the American people, in a few weeks, can tell them all to fuck off. #
Idea for TV series. Law and Order style crime drama where all the crimes are against humanity.#
Even if his supporters don't see it, Trump is a pathetic broken has-been. When he's gone we'll dance in good riddance. #
It would have been cool if Harris had said "He's going to have you for dinner" instead of "He's going to eat you for lunch," which is what she said Putin would do to Trump. #
Makes you wonder if that was a slip of the tongue or if it was a little Easter Egg she dropped for our later amusement. #
What Harris is doing is marketing. It takes a lot of impressions to get people to believe she can be president. If she wants to win, she has to do a lot of interviews and rallies and say quotable things, and be tweeting all the time, not just in the campaign snark accounts (which are great) but also seriously in her own name. #
People aren't going to care about the policies though they will say that's what they want more of. What they want to feel is that she is present. Biden was invisible that's why they didn't like or trust him, even though he is a good president. Trump is very present, and they like that, trust that, but most of them also know he's a creep. She just has to keep beating the drum. #
And the secret is to keep beating the drum, constantly, after she wins. Don't disappear like Obama did. She must not only be president of the United States, but she has to be president of Twitter too (and by Twitter I mean all the twitter-like systems). #
So don't expect undecided voters to all convert to Harris in one event. But they will if she stays in the news, even dominates the news (please) and help them see Trump as a thing of the past. #
That's the way to win, and to win in governing too. #

Linkblog items for the day.

What Harris appeared to understand, better than anyone else who has debated Trump, is that the key to defeating him is to trigger him psychologically.
California Ski Resort Engulfed by 40,000+ Acre Wildfire.
Love this hippie lawn sign.
Highly recommend this New Yorker podcast episode to understand why political reporters are so out of step with the people who read their stuff. They are unable to be revulsed by the things Trump says. Listen to it the way we listen to Trump supporters in Ohio diners. They are a foreign culture. That's not good.
Scripting News: 9/11/2001.
What's become of The Times & Co.?
Social Change Efforts Need More Than 'Stop Energy.'
Sergey Brin says he's working on AI at Google 'pretty much every day.'
Copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.
This email was sent on: 9/12/2024, 12:00:01 AM Eastern.
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🔥 (#155) A Vue podcast?

Scripting News: Tuesday, February 13, 2024