Tuesday, February 20, 2024 Journalists like everyone in America should pray President Biden stays healthy, because our only alternative is Putin. And btw in Russia, the non-government-owned news people had to leave, to go into exile. The journalists are playing with fire not just for us, but for themselves too. It's not ridiculous to ring the bells really loud about this because we've already lived through this nightmare once. # Surely there must be people inside the NYT that find this as exhausting as we do. How can we set up a receptacle for leaks from inside the NYT and WP so we can get the truth about who's selling us out to Trump and Putin inside those supposedly great public-serving news orgs? # I don't like Twitter/X -- it's stupid, it already had a perfectly good name. It is what it is. I use Twitter, I don't imagine stopping, certainly not as some kind of demonstration. But it isn't X or Twitter/X. It's just stupid old fucke...