Scripting News: Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Every generation or two you hear about a few tech wiener boys who think after getting founders stock at a Silicon Valley company and getting his picture in Business Week or TechCrunch that he should run Africa or make up some country and for a minute tries doing it and no one pays much attention and a generation or two later it happens again, and the conclusion is that being a tech wiener boy doesn't really prepare you to do anything but make a bunch of money once, be bored, and really nothing else. First time I witnessed this phenomenon was with a few product marketing wünderbrats at Apple in the early 80s, smart people (not kidding) but not nearly as smart as they thought they were. A big part was the serendipity of being in a Hobee's or Buck's when Steve Jobs or a Kleiner partner was having breakfast after a big IPO.#

Linkblog items for the day.

The RSS-based podcast industry hasn't been moving and if we don't add features, improve the tech with new features for creators and users, then we deserve what we get.
The RSS-based podcast industry just hasn't been moving and if we don't add features, improve the tech with new features for creators and users, then we deserve what we get.
WeSQL sounds interesting.
The Hidden Risks of YouTube and Spotify That The Suck-Up Podcast Bros on LinkedIn Won't Admit.
Silo season 2 is pretty great so far, two episodes in.
The Secret Recordings Netanyahu Wants Censored.
Marc Andreessen goes full MAGA on Joe Rogan's podcast.
Oliver Willis has started Breaking News USA.
2010: "For Twitter, doing good would mean decentralizing, not making every tweet flow through their servers."
Copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.
This email was sent on: 11/28/2024, 12:00:00 AM Eastern.
"It's a good time for a backup."
This blog has been running for: 30 years, 1 month, 21 days, 10 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds.
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🔥 (#155) A Vue podcast?

Scripting News: Monday, November 20, 2023