Scripting News: Monday, January 1, 2024
New FeedLand feature/fix. We now remove duplicates from feed lists. This can happen with the advent of reading lists, but it's realllly annoying. Finally got around to making this work in a more reasonable way. #
Looking to the future, one thing that would help the web develop more quickly in a more open way for users and developers, with less reliance on the kindness of big tech companies -- a commercial identity and storage system that users pay for. There's no reason an independent developer such as myself should have to implement an identity system, and no reason a user should want me to. Yet there is no service that provides storage for users that is accessible to apps that the user chooses. There are a bunch of companies that have all the pieces. There would be so many benefits of this, it would help drive open standards, and make it possible for multiple apps to work on the same data. I don't know why this product doesn't exist. It should. #
BTW, I wrote a wizzy writing tool for WordPress. Here's a screen shot. I wanted something simpler for posting to I think it could work even more smoothly, it was a first effort. One thing I don't understand is why aren't there a dozen such writing tools for WordPress. It has a great API, really easy to work with. It's a very versatile product, yet people seem to stick with the built-in writing interface. Curious. #
Linkblog items for the day.
100 Greatest Beatles Songs.
The Knicks looked very good in their first game after the big trade.
Post-2020 election: American democracy has overcome big stress tests. More challenges are ahead
These Classic Characters Are Losing Copyright Protection.
Welcome to the public domain, Mickey Mouse.