Weekly Vue News #126 - Handle Client-Side Errors in Nuxt

Weekly Vue News #126

Handle Client-Side Errors in Nuxt

Nuxt UI Pro

Nuxt UI Pro is a collection of premium components built on top of Nuxt UI to create beautiful & responsive Nuxt applications in minutes.

It's free in development to try it out 💚

Hi 👋

I wish you a happy new year! 🎉 Last year, we were a community of almost 600 developers; now we are over 2600. It's amazing to see how this community is growing. Thank you for being part of it! 🙏

During my Christmas holidays, I redesigned the website for this newsletter using Nuxt UI Pro. It was a great experience, and I'm very happy with the result. I hope you like it too. 🤗

Have a lovely week ☀️

To support me:

📕 Announcing Vue 3.4 '🏀 Slam Dunk'
👉🏻 A 2x faster parser
👉🏻 Faster SFC compilation
👉🏻 More accurate reactivity system
👉🏻 Stable defineModel()
👉🏻 v-bind same-name shorthand
👉🏻 and more...
🚀 Vue Tips Collection
👉🏻 Michael Thiessen released the second edition of his Vue Tips Collection eBook.
👉🏻 You get the first two chapters with 30 tips for free.

📕 Nuxt 3.9 is out
👉🏻 Vite 5
👉🏻 Interactive server components
👉🏻 New composables
👉🏻 A new loading API
👉🏻 And more...
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👉🏻 Learn how to use the NuxtSecurity module to make your Vue & Nuxt apps more secure by default.
🛠️ Nuxt OG Image v3 was released
👉🏻 A complete rewrite of the module to improve stability and developer experience.
🛠️ Nuxt I18n v8.0 released
👉🏻 After two years of development, a stable release of Nuxt I18n for Nuxt 3 is available.
🛠️ Nuxt API Party
👉🏻 Connect with any API securely with server proxy & dynamic composable names.

📅 Events
Vue.js Nation Conference
👉🏻 24 - 25 January 2024, Online Live Event
👉🏻 100% free
Vuejs Amsterdam 2024
👉🏻 28 - 29 February 2024, Amsterdam
Vueconf US 2024
👉🏻 22 - 24 May 2024, New Orleans, US

💬 Quote of the week

🔥 Nuxt Tip: Handle Client-Side Errors

Nuxt will display a generic error page if an error occurs on the client-side. You often don't want to show a fullscreen error page but the error at a specific place in your app. Therefore, Nuxt provides the <NuxtErrorBoundary> component:

2 <NuxtErrorBoundary>
3 <AnyComponent/>
4 </NuxtErrorBoundary>

<NuxtErrorBoundary> will catch all errors in its default slot.

You can use the #error slot to display the error to the user. It provides an clearError function to clear the error and display the children again:

1<script setup lang="ts">
2const onError = (error: Error) => {
3 // Here you can try to resolve the error
8 <NuxtErrorBoundary @error="onError">
9 <AnyComponent/>
11 <template #error="{ error, clearError }">
12 An error occurred: {{ error.message }}
13 <button @click="clearError">
14 Try again
15 </button>
16 </template>
17 </NuxtErrorBoundary>

You can call error = null in onError to clear the error. However, this will re-render the default slot. If you haven't resolve the error completely yet, the error slot will be rendered again, which can lead to an infinite loop.

A solution is to navigate to a different page in onError:

1<script setup lang="ts">
2const recoverFromError = async (error) => {
3 await navigateTo('/');
4 error.value = null;

If you navigate to another route, the error will be cleared automatically.

Check out this live example that demonstrates how to handle errors in different contexts: pages, plugins, components and middleware.

😂 Fun

🧑🏻‍💻 In Other News
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📕 Deleting 50,000 Lines of Code in 3 Days
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🛠️ npminsights
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Comments? Join the discussion about this issue here.

Until next week,

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